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USGS Groundwater Software

ModelArchiver and FgdcMetaEditor Version 1.0

ModelArchiver and FgdcMetaEditor: Software to aid in the creation of model archives and FGDC metadata.


Summary of ModelArchiver and FgdcMetaEditor

Software (Version, March 1, 2018)

A readme.txt file containing installation instructions and revision history is included with the software distribution file.

ModelArchiver and FgdcMetaEditor compiled for Microsoft Windows with example data. Users are encouraged to read the document provided in the 'doc' directory of this software distribution. The recommended method of installing ModelArchiver and FgdcMetaEditor is with the installer. However, if there is difficulty in using the installer, ModelArchiver and FgdcMetaEditor can be installed by unzipping the zip file. The installer associates the extensions .asxml with ModelArchiver If the zip file is used instead of the installer, the user may wish to make that association manually.

For 32 or 64 bit operating systems

Installer: ModelArchiver_and_FgdcMetaEditor_Setup_1_0.exe (16.1 Mb)
Zip file: (23.1 Mb)


Support is provided for correcting bugs and clarification of how the code is intended to work. Only limited assistance can be provided for applying ModelArchiver and FgdcMetaEditor to specific problems. For support, contact:


The following report documenting ModelArchiver and FgdcMetaEditor is available on-line.
Winston, R.B., 2018, ModelArchiver—A program for facilitating the creation of groundwater model archives: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2017–1149, 15 p.,


ModelArchiver Overview
FgdcMetaEditor Overview

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Web page comments, contact: Richard Winston
U.S. Geological Survey
431 National Center
Reston, VA 20192

Last Iteration: March 8, 2018