Algal samples are assigned a unique 16-character
identification code that is entered on sample labels (fig.
3) and on field data sheets (figs. 5 and 6). This sample
ID number provides information for the (1) name of the study
unit, (2) month and year of sample collection, (3) sample
type and subtype, (4) sample number, and (5) sample element
code as follows (fig. 7):
Figure 7.--Example of the 16-character sample identification
code used by the National Water-Quality Assessment Program.
Characters 1-4: Study-unit abbreviation (SPLT =
South Platte River Basin) (table 1)
Characters 5-8: Date of collection--MMYY (0892 =
August 1992)
Character 9: Sample type, referring to the type
of biological sample (A = Algae)
Character 10: First algae sample subtype,
representing one of the following:
R = Quantitative richest-targeted habitat sample
D = Quantitative depositional-targeted habitat
Q = Qualitative multihabitat sample
P = Phytoplankton sample
Character 11: Second algae sample subtype,
representing one of the following:
E = Identification and enumeration subsample
C = Chlorophyll subsample
M = Ash-free dry mass subsample
Characters 12-15: Sample number--a 4-digit
sequential number for study-unit samples. Three
samples, two quantitative and one qualitative, are
obtained from each sampling reach and recorded
sequentially. Elements of each sample are distinguished
with a letter designation (character 16).