National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program
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This surface-water nutrient retrospective database was compiled by Dave Mueller in 1994 from data and information provided by NAWQA study units that began in 1991. See World Wide Web site http:/ for more information on this retrospective data set. NOTE: Concentrations less than detection are reported as negative values of the detection limit. Missing values are indicated by a decimal point. Columns Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 - 4 NAWQA study unit: ACFB = Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin ALBE = Albemarle-Pamlico Drainage CCPT = Central Columbia Plateau CNBR = Central Nebraska Basins CONN = Connecticut, Housatonic, and Thames River Basins GAFL = Georgia-Florida Coastal Plain HDSN = Hudson River Basin LSUS = Lower Susquehanna River Basin NVBR = Nevada Basin and Range OZRK = Ozark Plateaus POTO = Potomac River Basin RIOG = Rio Grande Valley SANJ = San Joaquin-Tulare Basins SPLT = South Platte River Basin TRIN = Trinity River Basin USNK = Upper Snake River Basin WMIC = Western Lake Michigan Drainages WHIT = White River Basin 7 - 21 Station (site identification number 25 - 60 Station name 69 - 74 Latitude (degrees, minutes, seconds) 78 - 84 Longitude (degrees, minutes, seconds) 87 - 92 Drainage basin area (square miles) 95 - 104 Land use: Agric = agricultural land Undevel = mostly undeveloped land (forest, wetland, or rangeland) Urban = urban or built-up land Ag/Mix = mixed agricultural and undeveloped land Urb/Mix = mixed urban and undeveloped land Ag/Urban = mixed agricultural and urban land Integrated = large drainage basins with multiple land uses 113 - 119 Population in the upstream drainage basin (not available for some sites) 125 - 127 Soil hydrologic group (source: U.S. Soil Conservation Service State Soil Geographic (STATSGO) Database Original categorical variable A - D converted to continuous variable ranging from 1 to 4 1=A (well drained), 2=B (moderately well drained), 3=C (poorly drained), 4=D (very poorly drained) (not available for many sites) 130 - 137 Sampling date 142 - 147 Streamflow at the time of sampling 151 - 155 Ammonia as N (milligrams per liter) 159 - 163 Nitrate as N (milligrams per liter) 167 - 171 Total nitrogen (milligrams per liter) 174 - 179 Orthophosphate as P (milligrams per liter) 182 - 187 Total phosphorous (milligrams per liter) 192 - 195 Specific conductance (not available for some sites) 201 - 203 pH (not available for some sites) ****************************************************************************************************************** ACFB 02343801 CHATTAHOOCHEE R AT ANDREWS L&D NR C 311533 850637 8210 Ag/Urban . . 82-10-19 13800 0.05 0.15 0.65 -0.020 0.020 . . ACFB 02343801 CHATTAHOOCHEE R AT ANDREWS L&D NR C 311533 850637 8210 Ag/Urban . . 83-01-25 22500 0.09 0.50 0.60 0.030 0.080 . . ACFB 02343801 CHATTAHOOCHEE R AT ANDREWS L&D NR C 311533 850637 8210 Ag/Urban . . 83-03-22 23700 0.05 0.36 0.76 -0.020 0.040 . . ACFB 02343801 CHATTAHOOCHEE R AT ANDREWS L&D NR C 311533 850637 8210 Ag/Urban . . 83-05-10 1240 -0.02 0.27 0.57 -0.020 0.050 . . ACFB 02343801 CHATTAHOOCHEE R AT ANDREWS L&D NR C 311533 850637 8210 Ag/Urban . . 83-07-18 14700 0.05 . . -0.020 0.050 . . ACFB 02343801 CHATTAHOOCHEE R AT ANDREWS L&D NR C 311533 850637 8210 Ag/Urban . . 83-08-24 9790 0.04 . . -0.020 0.070 . .