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Retrospective Database for Nutrients in Ground Water and Surface Water

Header and several example records for the surface-water nutrient retrospective database

This surface-water nutrient retrospective database was compiled by
Dave Mueller in 1994 from data and information provided by NAWQA study
units that began in 1991.

See World Wide Web site
for more information on this retrospective data set.

NOTE: Concentrations less than detection are reported as negative
      values of the detection limit.
      Missing values are indicated by a decimal point.

 Columns    Description
  1 -   4   NAWQA study unit:  ACFB = Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin
                               ALBE = Albemarle-Pamlico Drainage
                               CCPT = Central Columbia Plateau
                               CNBR = Central Nebraska Basins
                               CONN = Connecticut, Housatonic, and Thames River Basins
                               GAFL = Georgia-Florida Coastal Plain
                               HDSN = Hudson River Basin
                               LSUS = Lower Susquehanna River Basin
                               NVBR = Nevada Basin and Range
                               OZRK = Ozark Plateaus
                               POTO = Potomac River Basin
                               RIOG = Rio Grande Valley
                               SANJ = San Joaquin-Tulare Basins
                               SPLT = South Platte River Basin
                               TRIN = Trinity River Basin
                               USNK = Upper Snake River Basin
                               WMIC = Western Lake Michigan Drainages
                               WHIT = White River Basin
  7 -  21   Station (site identification number
 25 -  60   Station name
 69 -  74   Latitude (degrees, minutes, seconds)
 78 -  84   Longitude (degrees, minutes, seconds)
 87 -  92   Drainage basin area (square miles)
 95 - 104   Land use:  Agric      = agricultural land
                       Undevel    = mostly undeveloped land (forest, wetland, or rangeland)
                       Urban      = urban or built-up land
                       Ag/Mix     = mixed agricultural and undeveloped land
                       Urb/Mix    = mixed urban and undeveloped land
                       Ag/Urban   = mixed agricultural and urban land
                       Integrated = large drainage basins with multiple land uses
113 - 119   Population in the upstream drainage basin (not available for some sites)
125 - 127   Soil hydrologic group (source: U.S. Soil Conservation Service State Soil Geographic (STATSGO) Database
              Original categorical variable A - D converted to continuous variable ranging from 1 to 4
              1=A (well drained), 2=B (moderately well drained), 3=C (poorly drained), 4=D (very poorly drained)
              (not available for many sites)
130 - 137   Sampling date
142 - 147   Streamflow at the time of sampling
151 - 155   Ammonia as N (milligrams per liter)
159 - 163   Nitrate as N (milligrams per liter)
167 - 171   Total nitrogen (milligrams per liter)
174 - 179   Orthophosphate as P (milligrams per liter)
182 - 187   Total phosphorous (milligrams per liter)
192 - 195   Specific conductance (not available for some sites)
201 - 203   pH (not available for some sites)
ACFB  02343801          CHATTAHOOCHEE R AT ANDREWS L&D NR C         311533    850637    8210  Ag/Urban                .      .   82-10-19     13800    0.05    0.15    0.65  -0.020   0.020       .      . 
ACFB  02343801          CHATTAHOOCHEE R AT ANDREWS L&D NR C         311533    850637    8210  Ag/Urban                .      .   83-01-25     22500    0.09    0.50    0.60   0.030   0.080       .      . 
ACFB  02343801          CHATTAHOOCHEE R AT ANDREWS L&D NR C         311533    850637    8210  Ag/Urban                .      .   83-03-22     23700    0.05    0.36    0.76  -0.020   0.040       .      . 
ACFB  02343801          CHATTAHOOCHEE R AT ANDREWS L&D NR C         311533    850637    8210  Ag/Urban                .      .   83-05-10      1240   -0.02    0.27    0.57  -0.020   0.050       .      . 
ACFB  02343801          CHATTAHOOCHEE R AT ANDREWS L&D NR C         311533    850637    8210  Ag/Urban                .      .   83-07-18     14700    0.05     .       .    -0.020   0.050       .      . 
ACFB  02343801          CHATTAHOOCHEE R AT ANDREWS L&D NR C         311533    850637    8210  Ag/Urban                .      .   83-08-24      9790    0.04     .       .    -0.020   0.070       .      . 

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