National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program
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This ground-water nutrient retrospective database was compiled by Pixie Hamilton in 1994 from data and information provided by NAWQA study units that began in 1991. Dave Mueller, Barb Ruddy, and Tom Nolan periodically modified the database from August 1995 to April 1996. This file was last modified on April 26, 1996. See World Wide Web site http:/ for more information on this retrospective data set. NOTE: Missing values are represented by a decimal point. Variable position and description: COLUMN NUMBERS DESCRIPTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-9 NAWQA study unit or other USGS project: ACFB = Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin ALBE = Albemarle-Pamlico Drainage CCPT = Central Columbia Plateau CNBR = Central Nebraska Basins CONN = Connecticut, Housatonic, and Thames River Basins GAFL = Georgia-Florida Coastal Plain HDSN = Hudson River Basin LSUS = Lower Susquehanna River Basin NVBR = Nevada Basin and Range OZRK = Ozark Plateaus POTO = Potomac River Basin RIOG = Rio Grande Valley SANJ = San Joaquin-Tulare Basins SPLT = South Platte River Basin TRIN = Trinity River Basin USNK = Upper Snake River Basin WMIC = Western Lake Michigan Drainages WHIT = White River Basin DELM = Delmarva Peninsula KANS = Kansas Toxics study area LONG = Long Island Toxics study area MIDC = Midcontinent Toxics study area NEBR = Nebraska Toxics study area 10-29 Well site identifier 30-39 Latitude (degrees, minutes, seconds) 40-49 Longitude (degrees, minutes, seconds) 50-59 Use of water (PUBLIC = public supply, DOMESTIC = domestic, IRRIG = irrigation, STOCK = livestock) 60-69 Well depth below land surface (feet) 70-79 Depth to water below land surface (feet) 80-89 State-based geographic region NE = Northeastern States SE = Appalachian and Southeastern States PLAINS = Northern and Southern Plains States WEST = Pacific States CORN = Cornbelt States MOUNT = Mountain States LAKE = Lake States 90-99 Soil hydrologic group (source: U.S. Soil Conservation Service State Soil Geographic (STATSGO) Database; original categorical variable A - D converted to continuous variable ranging from 1 to 4 1=A (well drained), 2=B (moderately well drained), 3=C (poorly drained), 4=D (very poorly drained) 100-109 Lithologic description of aquifer UNCN = unconsolidated sand and gravel SOIL = soil BSLT = basalt ALVM = alluvium TILL = glacial till CARB = carbonate bedrock BDRK = other bedrock, such as sandstone, shale, or crystalline bedrock 110-119 Anderson level I land use category AGRIC = agricultural land WOODS = forest land RANGE = rangeland URBAN = urban or built-up land OTHER = other landuse, such as wetland 120-129 Population density (number of people per square kilometer) in census block group in which well is located (source: U.S. Bureau of Census, 1990 Census of Population and Housing) 130-139 Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Code (first two digits are state, second three digits are county) 140-149 Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen (tons per square mile) (source: National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network) 150-159 Fertilizer nitrogen input (tons per square mile) (source: Environmental Protection Agency county-level fertilizer sales data) 160-169 Manure nitrogen input (tons per square mile) (source: U.S. Bureau of Census, Census of Agriculture animal population data) 170-179 Sum of nitrogen input from fertilizer, manure, and atmospheric sources (tons per square mile) 180-189 Ratio of pasture to cropland (source: Census of Agriculture county landuse pecentages) 190-199 Ratio of woodland to cropland (source: Census of Agriculture county landuse pecentages) 200-209 Year that well was sampled 210-219 Ammonia as N (milligrams per liter) 220-229 Nitrate as N ( milligrams per liter) 230-239 Orthophosphate as P (milligrams per liter) 240-249 Total phosphorus (milligrams per liter) ***************************************************************************************************************************** ACFB 02358508 303905 844227 . . . SE 2.4 . WOODS 12.730 12039 1.071 3.396 0.813 5.280 0.6447 0.8000 1973 . 0.02 . . ACFB 02358795 304725 850827 . . . SE 2.1 . WOODS 22.638 12063 1.071 6.765 2.448 10.284 0.4191 0.3875 1985 0.01 1.75 . 0.02 ACFB 294327084585501 294327 845855 . . . SE 1.6 . URBAN 475.520 12037 1.073 0.000 0.001 1.074 . . 1985 0.64 0.01 . 0.03 ACFB 294339084591901 294339 845919 PUBLIC . . SE 1.6 . URBAN 848.552 12037 1.073 0.000 0.001 1.074 . . 1976 0.34 0.03 . 0.20 ACFB 294702084495303 294702 844953 . 27 . SE 3.8 . URBAN 1.164 12037 1.073 0.000 0.001 1.074 . . . . 0.04 0.01 . ACFB 295046084394301 295046 843943 . 93 . SE 1.6 . URBAN 33.580 12037 1.073 0.000 0.001 1.074 . . . . 1.70 . 0.04 ACFB 295150084405201 295150 844052 DOMESTIC 65 . SE 4.0 . OTHER 1.164 12037 1.073 0.000 0.001 1.074 . . 1981 0.43 0.02 . 0.06