State assessments of beneficial uses and
impaired waters (TMDLs)
Consistent and comparable monitoring information
is needed to effectively assess beneficial uses (as required in
USEPA 305(b) reporting) and impaired waters (as required in USEPA
303(d) reporting), and to develop Total Maximum Daily Loads
(TMDLs). NAWQA information on the occurrence, sources, and transport
of contaminants is used by states and tribes to meet these requirements.
Wind River Environmental Quality Commission of the Shoshone
and Arapahoe Tribes, Wyoming—USGS assists the tribal Wind River
Environmental Quality Commission of the Shoshone and Arapahoe Tribes
in sampling large river sites. NAWQA protocols are used for selected
water-column and aquatic ecological sampling. The Commission will
use this information to compile their 305(b) report and to make
management decisions on the surface-water resources.
State of Missouri—The Missouri Department of Natural Resources
has incorporated NAWQA stream-quality data into their database for
monitoring compliance with 305 (b) water-quality standards. The
Department uses the data to describe attainment of beneficial uses,
to identify and prioritize problems, to help develop Total Maximum
Daily Loads (TMDLs), and to assist in overall natural resource
State of New Jersey—The New Jersey Department of Environmental
Protection used NAWQA findings in the preparation of their 2000
305(b) report. Specifically, NAWQA information was used to report
(1) the long-term nature of nitrate contamination; (2) improvements
in stream conditions and fish communities in northern New Jersey
due to improvements in waste water treatment; (3) relations between
impaired biological communities in urban streams and impervious
surfaces; and, (4) use of synthetic chemicals on biological health.
NAWQA findings on pesticides and -s will be used by the New Jersey
Department of Environmental Protection to prepare their 2002 305(b)
An understanding of critical factors controlling
sources and transport has proved critical in the accurate establishment
of TMDLs in selected stream segments across the nation.
Minneapolis, Minnesota—NAWQA findings for Shingle Creek
and other urban streams near the greater Minneapolis metropolitan
area brought to light what now appears to be a widespread chloride
problem with significant implications regarding TMDL “course-of-actions.”
Chemical and biology samples collected by USGS in Shingle and Nine
Mile creeks and 13 other major streams in the metropolitan area
indicated clear relations between chloride concentrations and impervious
surfaces and snowmelt (which is highly suggestive of salt applications
for road-deicing). The data, placed in context with other NAWQA
samples in urban streams throughout the Nation, showed that both
locally and nationwide, chloride concentrations significantly increase
with increasing development. Prior to these USGS findings, the Shingle
Creek Watershed Management Commission believed that chloride in
Shingle Creek was a local, and solely a stockpile, issue. On the
basis of USGS chloride results, the Commission now recommends a
metropolitanwide approach to assess current practices of road salt
use and to explore alternatives to sodium chloride (such as calcium
magnesium acetate, which is higher in cost, but has a slower activation
rate). The improved assessment of chloride sources led to improved
strategies needed to meet Minnesota standards.
Fort Worth, Texas—USGS works with the Texas Natural Resource
Conservation Commission and City of Fort Worth to better understand
the occurrence, transport, and effects of legacy pollutants, such
as DDT and PCBs, in urban streams and lakes in Fort Worth, Texas.
The information is used by the State in their TMDL assessments of
impaired urban waters. USGS is leading a comprehensive sediment
coring and suspended-sediment sampling program, which is designed
to determine if, and at what rates, these pollutants enter urban
streams and lakes and how long it could take for these pollutants
to naturally attenuate to safe levels.
State of North Carolina—An improved understanding of sources
and transport has also proved critical for accurate setting of TMDLs
in North Carolina. NAWQA findings in the Albemarle-Pamlico Sound,
North Carolina highlighted natural sources of elevated phosphorus
concentrations, which are needed to fully account for all contributing
sources. In addition, USGS works with the North Carolina Water Resources
Research Institute to assess and model watersheds within the Neuse
River Basin in order to support TMDL decisions.
State of Idaho—The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
used NAWQA results on phosphorus sources and transport to formulate
a TMDL for phosphorus in the middle Snake River. NAWQA findings
on nitrogen and sediment were also used.