Drinking-water monitoring strategies and
information on the occurrence of more than 80 pesticides and degradation
products and more than 60 VOCs in source water is used to set priorities
for monitoring and managing contaminants in drinking water supplies.
The South-Central Texas study conducted by the National Water
Quality (NAWQA) Program in Austin, Texas has provided this region
of Texas new data and a valuable insight to current water quality
in both surface and groundwater. This region is one of the fastest
growing in population in Texas and in the nation, thus emphasizing
the need for water quality data gathering, assessment and evaluation
by federal water resource agencies such as USGS. The information
provided to the San Antonio Water System during the past three years
has been widely used in our utility. Additionally, the assistance
and information provided by the USGS Water Resources Division in
Texas is invaluable to providing safe drinking water sources for
the second most populous state and one of the fastest growing in
America (Mike Mecke, San Antonio Water System, March 2001).
Whatcom County, Washington—Elevated concentrations of 1,2-dichloropropane
in ground water sampled by NAWQA scientists in the Puget Sound Basin
renewed interest in determining the extent and source of drinking-water
contamination in northern Whatcom County, Washington. The fumigant-derived
compound was detected in ground water throughout the sampled area,
sometimes at concentrations exceeding drinking-water standards.
USGS works with Whatcom County to evaluate the occurrence and possible
risk posed to the quality of drinking-water supplies by the use
of 1,2-dichloropropane and other fumigants.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa— The NAWQA Program commonly detected
elevated concentrations of nitrate and pesticides in the Cedar River
and alluvium wells near Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The detections included
pesticide breakdown products, which are mostly non-regulated and
in some instances found at concentrations ten times the concentrations
of parent compounds. On the basis of these findings, local officials
in the city of Cedar Rapids, which obtains its water from the wells
close to the Cedar River, has mandated monitoring and analysis of
herbicide degradation products in city water supplies.
State of California—USGS works with CALFED (a consortium
of California and federal agencies) to monitor sources, occurrence,
and trends (from 1980 to 1999) in organic carbon in the San Joaquin
and Sacramento watersheds. The primary concern is that chlorine
treatment of water containing high levels of organic carbon can
produce unacceptable levels of trihalomethanes, which are thought
to be carcinogenic compounds. This could affect millions of California
residents who get their drinking water from the San Joaquin-Sacramento