Please mark your calendars for the next meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Federal Partners for the Environment (MAFPE), which will be held on September 19, 2000 in New York City.  The National Park Service-Northeast Region will host the meeting.  An invitation letter from NPS Regional Administrator Marie Rust will soon go out to the MAFPE Regional Principals and staff members.


Also of note, the MAFPE sprawl work group will meet on July 10 in Baltimore, and the NY Harbor group is scheduled to meet July 24 at Gateway.


Below are highlights from the May 16, 2000 meeting, which was hosted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at its Chesapeake Bay Field Office in Annapolis, MD. The sprawl MOA is also attached.


Highlights from May 16, 2000 Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Federal Partners for the Environment (MAFPE), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Chesapeake Bay Field Office, Annapolis, MD


The Regional Principals and other agency representatives paid tribute to Ron Lambertson, (former) Regional Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service- Northeast.  Ron hosted his last meeting of the MAFPE as he prepared to retire from federal service in June.  EPA Regional Administrator Brad Campbell presented a plaque to Ron and expressed appreciation and thanks for his commendable service to the public and the environment.



Regional principals agreed to work cooperatively on a pilot strategy on sprawl and committed to signing a sprawl Memorandum of Agreement.  The MOA sets forth the commitment of the federal partners to work within their respective authorities and resources to develop 25 pilot projects with state and local governments.  The projects will support state and local initiatives to manage growth and protect vital resources.  The MOA is still in concurrence for signature by the regional principals.  The MAFPE sprawl work group, which met the previous day on May 15, was instrumental in addressing concerns raised by various agencies regarding the draft MOA, and making needed changes to resolve sensitive issues.


The work group will work on identifying localities where there is interest in developing pilot projects on a case-by-case basis.  The sprawl MOA does not supersede the Memorandum of Understanding of the Mid-Atlantic Federal Partners for the Environment signed October 19, 1999.


Presentation by Marie Rust, Regional Administrator, National Park Service Northeast:  Announced a reorganization within the NPS that improves services and activities and consolidates functions that were shared between the NPS/NE and Capital regions.  Essentially, the Capital Regional Office will handle matters related to the Potomac watershed area, and the NE Regional Office will cover all other areas in the NE region.  Marie also gave a presentation on NPS’s campaign to educate the public and make the Park Service more relevant to the American people.  The NE region is promoting the beauty and resourcefulness of national parks of the New York Harbor area by educating the public and supporting restoration on park sites.


Next MAFPE Meeting:  NPS agreed to plan and host the next meeting of the MAFPE scheduled for September 19, 2000 in NYC.  More details will follow.