Water Resources of the United States
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collects information needed to understand the Nation's water resources, and provides access to water data, publications, and maps, as well as to recent water projects and events.
Water Resources Topics
 Streams, lakes, and reservoirs
Science to observe, analyze, and understand the movement and condition of surface water. |
Floods and droughts Study the conditions and consequences of water over-abundance or scarcity.
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 Groundwater, aquifers, and wells Science to discover and describe the location, condition, and behavior of water in the ground. |
 Water use Information about how water is used now and in the past. |
 Quality of water resources
Science to monitor and evaluate biological, chemical, and environmental factors affecting water quality. |
 Contamination and pollution
Study the existence and results of harmful substances in water, produced by humans and natural processes. |
International water activities
Ongoing water projects of international interest.
Methods and modeling
Available tools and expertise to conduct water resources science. |
Water Science by State
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