Keywords: hydrographic addressing; network navigation
Domain: Domain Agnostic
Language: API
The Hydro Network-Linked Data Index (NLDI) is a system that can hydrographically address data to NHDPlus V2 catchments and offers a search service to discover hydrographically addressed information. Data linked to the NLDI includes active NWIS stream gages, water quality portal sites, and outlets of HUC12 watersheds. NLDI also offers a network navigation functionality for indexed data so users can discover features up- or downstream of a feature of interest.
The NLDI API is a REST service architecture for the NLDI’s discovery and navigation functionalities.
Any dataset can be hydrographically addressed with the NLDI API. Data sources that have currently been hydrographically addressed can be explored by using the getDataSources endpoint here. We provide links to WMA Integrated Data & Tools Catalog entries for these data sets in the ‘Linked Catalog Datasets’ section, when possible. Not all of the data sets that this service provides are included in the
NHGF Data Catalog
, so please see the source for a comprehensive list of available data.
Linked Catalog Datasets:
Linked Catalog Usecases: