Keywords: hydrographic addressing; network navigation; subset
Domain: Domain Agnostic
Language: R
This R package provides a suite of functionality to work with NHDPlus flowline, flowpath, and catchment features. It allows for two key functions: pulling a subset of interest from the NHDPlus data and hydrographically addressing a new dataset.
The subsetting functionality allows you to discover features of interest based on a query. It also allows you to find related features using network navigation up- or downstream.
The hydrographic addressing functionality allows you to link points, lines, or polygons to the features in the NHDPlus dataset, an important integration step for many hydro-science applications.
nhdplusTools works only on the NHDPlus data set. We provide links to WMA Integrated Data & Tools Catalog entries for these data sets in the ‘Linked Catalog Datasets’ section, when possible. Not all of the data sets that this service provides are included in the
NHGF Data Catalog
, so please see the source for a comprehensive list of available data.
Linked Catalog Usecases: