WMA integrated data and tools catalog - Tools ()
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Name | Keywords | Description | Language |
AsyncRetriever | AsyncRetriever is a python package that can be used to access the high-level API for asynchronous requests with persistent caching. | Python | |
dataRetrieval | data access network navigation | This R package provides access to water quantity, quality, and use datasets served through USGS Water Data Services. It can also be used to interface with the hydrographic discovery and navigation functionalities of the NLDI. | R |
dataretrieval-python | data retrieval hydrology python NWIS water | dataretrieval-python was created to simplify the process of loading hydrologic data into the Python environment. | Python |
DataRetrieval.jl | data retrieval hydrology Julia NWIS water | DataRetrieval.jl is a Julia alternative to the R dataRetrieval package for obtaining USGS water data directly from web services. | Julia |
Fluvial Corridor Toolbox | hydromorphology; fluvial geomorphology; river corridor mapping; fluvial corridor mapping | The Fluvial Corridor Toolbox for QGIS is a set of geoalgorithms intended to describe and measure fluvial features and processes. | NA |
GDP web | area-weighted aggregation subset | GDP web is a web user interface that accesses the Geo Data Portal web services to provide subset and area-weighted statistics of numerous gridded climate and land use datasets. Data subsets can be selected by time and/or user-provided polygons. | web GUI |
gdptools | area-weighted aggregation gridded to vector data subset | This Python package can be used to aggregate gridded or polygon dataset to a target polygon dataset. The input gridded dataset can be any dataset that is readable by Xarray, and thus can handle multi-dimensional datasets, while the input target polygon dataset can be any vector dataset that is readable by Geopandas. An example of this is aggregating a CONUS404 gridded dataset spanning multiple timesteps to a polygon dataset representing the HUC8 basins covering an entire state. The outputs are a GeoDataframe of the polygon dataset and an Xarray DataSet containing the aggregations values for each polygon and timestep. | Python |
geoconnex.us | hydrographic addressing | Geoconnex.us is a feature registry providing persistent URI redirects for spatial features that are meaningful to environmental science. Any data provider can register dataset-specific or community reference identifiers with geoconnex.us. Data linked to the NHGF reference fabric are linked through geoconnex.us identifiers. | NA |
geoknife | area-weighted aggregation subset | geoknife is an R package that accesses the Geo Data Portal web services to provide subsets and area-weighted statistics of gridded climate and land use datasets. Data subsets can be selected by time and/or user-provided polygons. | R |
Geoserver | data access | Geoserver provides high-performance and scalable Web Feature Services (WFS) for: 1) NHDPlusV2 flowlines, catchments, and water bodies, 2) HUC08 and HUC12 catchments, and 3) GAGES II gage locations and basins. | web GUI |
grd2shp_xagg | area-weighted aggregation subset | This Python package can be used to aggregate gridded datasets to polygons by wrapping the xagg Python package. The package can also facilitate mapping, renaming, and generating netCDF files for multiple variables. grd2shp_xagg can be used on any dataset that can be loaded into the xarray Python library. | Python |
GSPy | data standard implementation | GSPy is a Python tool that implements a newly proposed geophysical data standard, called the GS convention, based on the NetCDF file format. The current implementation provides basic workflows to convert datasets from both tabular ASCII text and GeoTIFF raster input files into standardized NetCDF files. | Python |
HASP | groundwater groundwater quality time-series data major aquifers NWIS Principal Aquifers water-level data wells | HASP - the Hydrologic AnalySis Package. This R package retrieves publicly accessible groundwater data, performs basic statistical analyses and generates summary plots and tables to view changes over time. | R |
HydroAdd | hydrographic addressing | HydroAdd is a web-based tool that enables users to hydrographically address information to the National Hydrography Dataset High-Resolution (NHD HR). | web GUI |
Hydrologic Model Evaluation and Time-Series Tools (HyMETT) R-package | timeseries evaluation streamflow evaluation streamflow benchmarking | Hydrologic Model and Evaluation Time-series Tools (HyMETT) software facilitates the analysis and evaluation of hydrologic model output and time-series data. | R |
hydroloom | hydrofabric hydrology | The hydroloom package is a collection of R functions to work with hydrologic geospatial fabrics. | R |
hyswap | hydrology NWIS python water | Hyswap – the HYdrologic Surface Water Analysis Package. This python package provides a set of functions for calculating statistics and generating summary plots on a surface water data set. | Python |
National Water Well Database Clip and Ship | data access subset | This tool allows limited data exploration and data extraction of information in the National Water-Well Database, which includes data availability for stratigraphic, hydrologic, and construction information, as well as aquifer type, total depth, and well type. | TBD |
nhdplusTools | hydrographic addressing network navigation subset | This R package provides functionality to work with NHDPlus flowline, flowpath, and catchment features. The subsetting functionality allows you to query for features of interest or find related features using network navigation up- or downstream. The hydrographic addressing functionality allows you to link points, lines, or polygons to the features in the NHDPlus dataset. | R |
NLDI API | hydrographic addressing network navigation | The NLDI API offers a search service to discover information that has been hydrographically addressed to NHDPlus V2 catchments through the NLDI. Data hydrographically addressed to the NLDI includes active NWIS stream gages, water quality portal sites, and outlets of HUC12 watersheds. The NLDI API also offers a network navigation functionality for hydrographically addressed data so users can discover features up- or downstream of a feature of interest. | API |
NLDI cross-section tool | cross-section interpolation topography 3DEP | This tool allows a user to define a location where they want a topographic cross-section of the nearest NHD stream segment. The cross-section is based on the best available topography from the U.S. Geological Survey’s 3D Elevation Program (3DEP). | Python |
NLDI flowtools | catchment splitting network navigation raindrop tracing | This tool has two functions: 1) return the path a drop of water would follow from a user-defined location to the nearest NHD stream segment, and 2) return the upstream catchment of a point along an NHD stream-segment. | Python |
NWWDB-Tools | database integrity quality assurance derived aquifer properties harmonized lithologic logs water-well completion reports | Python tools in support of the National Water-Well Database (NWWDB). | Python |
Py3DEP | data access subset | Py3DEP is a python package that can be used to access topographic data through National Map’s 3DEP web service. | Python |
PyDaymet | data access subset | PyDaymet is a python package that can be used to access Daymet climate data and pull daily, monthly and annual summaries at 1-km scale. | Python |
pyGDP | area-weighted aggregation subset | pyGDP is a Python package that accesses the Geo Data Portal web services to provide subsets and area-weighted statistics of gridded climate and land use datasets. Data subsets can be selected by time and/or user-provided polygons. | Python |
PyGeoHydro | data access subset | PyGeoHydro is a python package that can be used to access data included in the NWIS, NID, WQP, HCDN 2009, NLCD, and SSEBop databases. | Python |
PyGeoOGC | PyGeoOGC is a python package that can be used to send queries to any ArcGIS RESTful-, WMS-, and WFS-based services. PyGeoOGC is part of the HyRiver (formerly named hydrodata) suite of Python packages that provides a unified API for retrieving geospatial/temporal data from various web services. | Python | |
PyGeoUtils | PyGeoUtils is a python package that can be used to convert responses from PyGeoOGC’s supported web services to datasets. PyGeoUtils is part of the HyRiver (formerly named hydrodata) suite of Python packages that provides a unified API for retrieving geospatial/temporal data from various web services. | Python | |
PyNHD | data access subset network navigation | PyNHD is a python package that can be used to navigate and subset the hydrographic data in the NHDPlus mid- and high-res NHD, NHDPlus, and NHDPlus VAA datasets. | Python |
Reference Fabric Characterization Workflows | area-weighted aggregation hydrographic addressing subset | Jupyter workbooks written in Python which uses published North-American extent spatial datasets (available in the NHGF catalog) to calculate spatial parameters (such as land cover, soils/lithology, etc.) for hydrologic features (such as those produced from NHDPlusTools, hyRefactor, and GFv2.0) that can be assimilated into national hydrologic modeling frameworks. | Python |
sbtools | data access | sbtools is an R package that allows users to discover and download products on ScienceBase. | R |
sciencebasepy | data access | sciencebasepy is a Python package that allows users to discover and download products on ScienceBase. | Python |
USGS Water Data Services | data access | This site serves USGS water data using web services. Data available through this service includes: 1) water flow and levels in streams and lakes, 2) water levels in wells, 3) chemical and physical data for streams, lakes, springs, wells and other sites and, 4) water use information. | web GUI |
WMA THREDDS Server | data access subset | The WMA THREDDS server is a data service that provides access to a set of large geospatial datasets. This service allows user to request the entire dataset or specific spatiotemporal subsets of the data. | web GUI |
xstrm | hydrography NHD NHDPlus stream network | Python package to assist with stream network summarization. | Python |