Water Resources of the United States
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2025 15:45:06 EST
Summary: flooding in Western Idaho and Eastern Oregon.
1. Malheur River in Eastern Oregon, Owyhee River Southwestern Idaho and Southeastern Oregon, Weiser River and tributaries in Western Idaho, Paradise Creek and Palouse River in Northwestern Idaho.
2. A rain on snow event occurred 2/23 to 2/24 melting low level snowpack in Eastern Oregon, Southern Idaho, and Western Idaho. Malheur River is near 1-2% AEP. gage height is 4' above flood stage and .5' above major flood stage. The surrounding farmland and property are currently experiencing flood conditions. Palouse River in NW Idaho, Owyhee River, Weiser River Basin, and several smaller lower basins are also experiencing high water. Hwy 20 is currently closed to traffic between Harper and Juntura, OR due to flooding.
3. Potential peaks of record at 13233300 (Malheur River) and 13215480 (Crane Creek)
4. No gages destroyed, one potential damaged (13233300) though still operational
5. 4 Crews from the Idaho Boise Field Office and one from Upper Columbia Idaho Field Office have been dispatched to measure high flows on the Malheur, Weiser, Owyhee River, and smaller tributaries. Potentially extension of four ratings.
6. IDWSC is currently in contact with Bureau of Reclamation to coordinate river observations, measurements, and gage assessments.