Water Resources of the United States

PROJECT ALERT NOTICE (CA) Minor runoff in North west CA.

Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 10:16:41 EST

Summary: Predicted moderate event failed to materialize in CA overnight.

Predictions of moderate to significant precipitation and runoff failed to materialize in North west California overnight. Most gages reporting less than 0.50 inch since midnight.
Eureka recorded 0.14 inch and Redding 0.20 inch. We will mobilize two teams this morning, one each from our offices in Eureka and Ukiah. The RFC is showing only a couple of gages in these areas that are approaching Monitor Stage. Pretty routine stuff.

The bigger story actually may be the drought conditions developing through out the southern part of the state. While statistics show the northern part of the state at or slightly above normal for this time of year, the southern parts of the state are significantly below normal.

This is exemplified in the following few locations:
Santa Barbara totals beginning Oct 1 to current at 0.64 inch. Normal there is about 4.23 to date. Irvine showing 0.01 inch since Oct 1, while normal for this time frame is 3.00 inches. And lastly San Diego Lindberg Field reporting 0.14 YTD with a normal of 2.63.

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URL: https://water.usgs.gov/alerts/item_2024-12-27_10:16:41.html
Page Contact Information: Water Webserver Team
Page Last Modified: Friday, 01-Sep-2023 12:42:07 EDT