Water Resources of the United States

PROJECT ALERT NOTICE (CA) High flow measurements in Northern CA

Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2024 17:39:15 EST

Summary: USGS field crews continue measuring high flows in Northern CA

Over the last four days, an Atmospheric River continued to bring heavy rain to Northern CA. Much of the area received in excess of 10 inches, and some areas received almost 18 inches.

Sonoma County was hit particularly hard through yesterday by high winds and rain, registering record rainfall in some areas. Over the last 96 hours, most NWS precipitation gages near the City of Santa Rosa recorded over 12 inches of rain, with 6 or 7 precip stations to the north and east reporting about 17 inches. Much of the Sacramento River basin received the same four-day precipitation totals. About 10 streamgages reached minor flood levels. Power outages affected nearly 20k homes and businesses.

Seven crews of 12 field staff are measuring flows in the Russian River and the Sacramento River basins. One gage stopped functioning and is being repaired.

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URL: https://water.usgs.gov/alerts/item_2024-11-23_17:39:15.html
Page Contact Information: Water Webserver Team
Page Last Modified: Friday, 01-Sep-2023 12:42:07 EDT