Water Resources of the United States


Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2024 15:50:55 EST

Summary: CA WSC field crews continue recession measurements after atmospheric river

While rainfall ended for most of the state yesterday, additional rain continues in the central part of the state, with a higher intensity band from Monterey/Santa Cruz Counties to Yuba/Nevada Counties. People are cleaning up after the storm, and power is still out for 76,000 people.

14 teams of 20 field staff are making recession measurements and repairing couple of remaining damaged streamgages. Most of the streamgages damaged by the storm have been repaired, with 2 left to repair this morning; the Mission Creek nr Desert Springs streamgage was damaged by TS Hilary last August, and this gage is expected to be up and running as soon as the channel and infrastructure are repaired.

A highwater mark campaign is being planned with FEMA and the City of San Diego.

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URL: https://water.usgs.gov/alerts/item_2024-02-07_15:50:55.html
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Page Last Modified: Friday, 01-Sep-2023 12:42:07 EDT