Water Resources of the United States
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2022 09:35:12 EDT
Summary: USGS crews continue response to catastrophic flooding in eastern Kentucky
Flood waters have largely begun to recede in the headwater areas of the Kentucky River after heavy rains passed through the area early Thursday morning. Three USGS crews (6 people) continue to respond to the crest as it moves downstream.
Two gages went into major category flooding during the event with both exceeding their previously recorded historic peaks. The gage in Whitesburg measured values exceeding the historic crest by at least 6 feet before it was destroyed. One crew will be out setting up a temporary gage at this location today while the others make discharge measurements at key locations. Several indirect measurements of discharge are also being planned at locations where the event happened too quickly for field crews to respond.
The OKI Water Science Center has been in contact with the National Weather Service, the State of Kentucky, and FEMA as the event has unfolded. The Data Chief also did an on-air interview with the Weather Channel discussing the event and the response from USGS and the NWS.
Kentucky Flood Event Table
Kentucky Flood Event Map