Water Resources of the United States
Date: Mon, 10 May 2021 14:58:23 EDT
Summary: Minor flooding (NWS terminology) is occurring in Ohio and Indiana.
Minor flooding (NWS terminology) is occurring in parts of Ohio and northern Indiana. A significant low pressure system dropped 2 to 5 inches of rain over a 30 hour period in parts of Ohio and Indiana. Soil moisture conditions were previously favorably moist to slightly wet as the area received about 2 inches of rain the previous week.
Seven crews (fourteen employees) from Ohio have been sent out to make high flow measurements, primarily in the Cleveland, Ohio area and the Licking River basin near Newark, Ohio. Two of the crews are on their normal field trip in the Cincinnati, Ohio area obtaining measurements from the Mill Creek watershed. One crew from Indiana was sent to replace a battery in northern Indiana and made a measurement for rating development.
The national Weather Service and other agencies were notified of our actions through NWSChat. This was considered a minor event, therefore very little interaction and coordination was done with other agencies.