Water Resources of the United States
Date: Sat, 19 Sep 2020 10:23:23 EDT
Summary: Flood operations have been scaled back significantly in southern Alabama
Floodwaters in smaller basins in southern Alabama have receded below levels needing direct measurements. Direct measurements in larger basins will resume early next week.
Two personnel from the Jackson, MS office will continue surveying indirect measurements today and will return home tonight.
No additional personnel from LMG WSC offices will be needed in the field today or Sunday. Operations will resume Monday morning.
The four stations damaged by floodwaters were returned to operation yesterday.
Starting Monday 9/21, 7 personnel from 6 different offices and 3 different WSCs (LMGWSC, SAWSC, and CFWSC) will converge on the affected area to flag and survey stations for indirect measurements in southern Alabama and the panhandle of Florida.