Water Resources of the United States
Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 17:13:17 EDT
Summary: Flood response continues for MO, IA, and IL.
Crews have been busy in in parts of the CMWSC.
In Missouri, there are still 43 sites in flood stage. Impacted areas are still concentrated in the western and central part of the state. Crews have performed 109 streamflow measurements since 5/21. There have been 8 rating extensions. Since 5/21, 2 stations experienced peaks of record where there is more than 25 years of record, 14 stations total have experienced peaks of record. Crews will be watching the Missouri River which is forecast to crest through the weekend and into next week. Weather conditions are looking more favorable in regards to precip for the near term forecast, but forecast conditions look less favorable in the 7-day and beyond range.
In Iowa, there are still 38 gages in flood stage. Most are in Minor flood stage. Crews have made 25 streamflow measurements since 5/21. Impacts due to flooding are expected to be minimal through the next week.
Illinois has seen the least of the flooding since 5/21. 14 streamflow measurements have been made since 5/21. There are still 31 gages in flood stage. Crews are preparing for high water on the Mississippi River and lower Illinois River and the tribs feeding into it. The Mississippi is fore cast to crest through out next week. Early in the week Upstream of St, Louis and toward the end of the week in the vicinity of Cairo. The lower Illinois river is forecast to peak toward the end of next week. Peaks of records at Valley City, Meredosia, and Beardstown are possible.
Crews have been working with USACE STL collecting measurements near Locks 22, 24 and 25 on the Mississippi and measuring at a breach in the Len Small levee downstream of Thebes.
Additional measurements for Omaha USACE may be requested.
Unit Chiefs and Staff have maintained communication with NWS and USACE.