Water Resources of the United States
Date: Thu, 30 May 2019 11:44:39 EDT
Summary: Minor flooding from earlier rainfall continues in parts of Wyoming and Montana.
Gage-heights at four (4) U.S. Geological Survey streamgages on the Tongue River and tributaries to the Missouri River in southeast and central Montana continue to exceed National Weather Service (NWS) minor flood stages. Flood warnings are in effect for areas of northeastern Wyoming and southeastern Montana as floodwaters move downstream in the Tongue and Belle Fourche River basins.
Peak streamflows in parts of the Tongue River basin rank as the second largest, exceeded only by those observed during the May 1978 regional flood event. No streamgages were damaged or destroyed. Two crews are completing high-flow and flood discharge measurements today for rating definition and to aid river forecasters.
Cooperators, stakeholders, and the general public are being kept informed by multiple methods including NWSChat, e-mail, and social media.
Recent high-flow and flood measurements, May 27-30, Wyoming and Montana
Streamgages in the Tongue River basin where large streamflows are occurring, May 30