Water Resources of the United States
Date: Wed, 29 May 2019 17:44:48 EDT
Summary: Storms continue to impact already flooding parts of Missouri, Iowa and Illinois.
Crews from CMWSC continue to respond to flooding. More than 15 crews have been deployed today to collect streamflow measurements or deal with gage repairs or RDG installation.
Northern Missouri seems to be the most impacted. Two gages out of the Lee's Summit office are submerged or in threat of being submerged. Grand River Sumner, MO had a RDG deployed there today. 102 River near Bolckow, MO was submerged and a RDG will be deployed there tomorrow. Road access to some stations in MO is an issue. Unit chiefs report at least 6 stations with peaks of record in MO.
Staff have been diverted from the Fort Dodge Office to assist the Council Bluffs office with Qms in the Chariton Basin and will be assisting the Lee's Summit office at Bolckow. Tomorrow MO crews will be turning their attention toward measurements on the Missouri River. Staff from other parts of the center may be dispatched to assist if needed.
Flooding in IA has primarily been concentrated to the south. Two crews were deployed for high water in that area. One crew is collecting a Qm at Des Moines River @ Ottumwa at the request of the NWS. Unit Chiefs will continue to watch the weather and respond accordingly to flooding in the area the rest of the week.
Today the response in IL was primarily focused on tribs feeding the Mississippi River and Illinois river. The Illinois is forecast to peak next week and crews will be prepared to respond. We are expecting a peak of record at the Valley City location.
Several gages (~10) in MO have been in flood stage for 70+ days.
At least 4 gages in IA have been in flood stage for 80+ days.
There is a QW sampling crew out of Rolla that has sampled at MS River Thebes and Grafton. They intend to measure MS River @ St. Louis tomorrow.
There is possibility that a crew will assist the STL USACE with some levee breach work on the Len Small Levee between Thebes and Cairo. Details are being worked out with USACE.
Crews are staying in contact with NWS via NWSChat and by phone/email. Unit Chiefs are also in communication with USACE.
We expect to be dealing with high water well into next week. We don't anticipate the need for any outside of the center support at this time.
No WWW page is available or planned. No news release is planned. Categories: + River Flooding Submitted by: Jon Lageman (jlageman@usgs.gov) 8157522035 ----------------------------------------------------------- For questions about Project Alert or to be added or removed from the mailing list, contact GS-W_Project_Alert_Team@usgs.gov