Water Resources of the United States

PROJECT ALERT NOTICE (NE) Nebraska WSC Flood Response for May 27-29, 2019

Date: Wed, 29 May 2019 17:14:23 EDT

Summary: USGS crews respond to minor to major flooding in southern Nebraska.

26 Nebraska streamgages are currently above minor to major flooding in the Little Blue, Big Blue, Republican, Big Nemaha, Little Nemaha, Salt, Platte, and Missouri River basins, as well as several small tributaries to the Platte River. Over the past week, the southern half of Nebraska has received 3-10 inches of rain, with the strongest storms in the southeast.

Since Memorial Day (May 27), USGS crews have made 39 high flow at 38 streamgages. Today and yesterday 7 USGS crews were deployed for making measurements (and one crew deployed on May 27). One streamgage was repaired due to a broken pressure line during this period. No indirect measurements of discharge are planned or needed.

Information has been communicated via phone and emails to the USACE, NWS, and the Nebraska Natural Resources Districts.

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   + River Flooding

Submitted by: Nebraska WSC flood Response for May 27-29 (jmlambre@usgs.gov) 402-328-4124
CC: smorlock@usgs.gov,tboyle@usgs.gov,jdmiller@usgs.gov

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URL: https://water.usgs.gov/alerts/2019/item_2019-05-29_17:14:23.html
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Page Last Modified: Friday, 01-Sep-2023 12:58:14 EDT