Water Resources of the United States
Date: Tue, 28 May 2019 12:36:33 EDT
Summary: Minor flooding from widespread rainfall continues in parts of Wyoming and Montana.
Gage-heights at six (6) U.S. Geological Survey streamgages on western tributaries to the Missouri River along the Rocky Mountain Front and in central Montana are exceeding National Weather Service (NWS) minor flood stages. NWS reports the recent rains mostly have ended and that flood risks continue downstream. Flood warnings are in effect for areas of northeastern Wyoming and south-central Montana with the expectation of additional rainfall. Snowfall is occurring at higher elevations in some parts of both States.
No peaks of record were observed. No streamgages were damaged or destroyed. Four crews are completing high-flow and flood discharge measurements today for rating definition and to aid river forecasters.
Cooperators, stakeholders, and the general public are being kept informed by multiple methods including NWSChat, e-mail, and social media (on Twitter as @USGS_WY and @USGS_MT).
High-flow and flood measurements, May 27-29, Montana
Interactive map for some flooding in Montana