Water Resources of the United States
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2019 12:50:22 EDT
Summary: USGS crews responding to flooding in southeast South Dakota.
The southeast corner of SD experienced 1.5-2 inches of rain yesterday on top of an existing snowpack. Currently, there are 18 real-time streamgages near or above flood stage with additional non-recording gages expected to have high flow. Runoff has caused major flooding in the lower portions of the Big Sioux, Vermillion, and James River Basins.
Many streamgages still impacted by the presence of ice with discharge not displayed to the public. One streamgage is not operational with repairs expected today.
The majority of the Dakotas are experiencing blizzard conditions with four out of five offices closed. Two crews that were pre-staged in advance of the storm are in the area with additional crews coming to assist as needed by tomorrow (when road conditions allow). It is expected that staff will be working into the weekend. Efforts to measure are being hindered by the presence of ice and flooded access roads.
Stakeholders are being informed of our activities through updates to NWISWeb and use of NWSChat.