Water Resources of the United States
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 17:21:38 EST
Summary: Flooding continues in the Ohio and Mississippi River basins.
Moderate to major flooding continues in the Ohio and Mississippi River basins. USGS personnel continue to conduct measurements of discharge at both main stem Mississippi and Ohio river streamgages and tributary river streamgages. The discharge measurements made by USGS are both in routine support of USGS streamgage operations and to provide additional data to other agencies, including U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and National Weather Service. USACE opened the Bonnet Carre spillway to divert water from the Mississippi River into Lake Ponchartrain to prevent overtopping of downstream levees in the New Orleans area. Operation of Bonnet Carre is expected to last for approximately 4 weeks. USGS is and will be making special flow measurements and water quality sampling in support of this operation. USGS is participating in various coordination calls with USACE, NWS, and TVA during the flooding.