Water Resources of the United States
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2018 12:57:05 EST
Summary: Elevated streamflow in California is occurring following a cold winter storm which brought heavy snowfall to the Sierra Nevada and moderate to heavy rainfall to parts of the central coast and northern California.
Yesterday and today, a cold Alaskan winter storm brings more than 5 inches of rain to parts of the central California coast, and 1-2 inches or rain occurring across northern California. Yesterday, heavy snowfall caused blizzard conditions in parts of the Sierra Nevada, with more than 4 feet of snow accumulations occurring at high elevations. Yesterday, evacuations were ordered for communities that might be impacted by debris flows from the Thomas Fire burn area in southern California. Although local flooding and debris flows were reported in these areas, the impact from these were likely minimized by lower-than-predicted rainfall amount and intensity, as well as flood control efforts by the Counties.
The California Water Science Center (CAWSC) currently has crews deployed from the following service areas to measure elevated streamflow: Santa Cruz (5 crews); and Ukiah (4 crews). At this time, no work is planned for tomorrow.
No streamgages in CA are experiencing streamflow above monitor or flood stage. No damage to equipment or disruption in data transmissions have resulted from this storm. No safety issues have been reported.