Water Resources of the United States


Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2017 11:10:48 EDT

Summary: Heavy rain and high winds in Western Ma.

Widespread flooding in western Ma due to the recent rainfall of 3-4 inches in the past 24 hours and 4-8 inches in the past week.

The majority of basins are no greater then the .2 AEP (<5 year). One site 01169000, North River at Shattuckville, Ma exceeded the .1 AEP (<10 year).

At this time there does not appear to be any peaks of record.

All gages are transmitting and do not appear damaged.

The USGS has 4 crews (8 staff members) out right now. And measurements are also planned for tomorrow.

Currently there has been no interaction with cooperators.

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Take Pride in America logo USA.gov logo U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
URL: https://water.usgs.gov/alerts/2017/item_2017-10-30_11:10:48.html
Page Contact Information: Water Webserver Team
Page Last Modified: Friday, 01-Sep-2023 12:58:14 EDT