Water Resources of the United States
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2017 17:27:38 EDT
Summary: USGS field crews continue discharge measurements at USGS stream gaging sites in northwest Florida area associated with minor to moderate flooding caused by over 10 inches of rainfall from Tropical Storm Cindy.
Since Tuesday, June 20, over 10 inches of rainfall was recorded at 02369600 Yellow River Near Milton, Fl, with most of the rain falling on June 21. The heavy rainfall is caused minor flooding in the area.
USGS field crews (9 hydrographers) made 6 discharge measurements today at gage locations in the northwest Florida area near Pensacola today. Since June 21 twelve measurements have been made in northwest Florida (see attached Water Watch link for locations). Additional measurements may be made Saturday. Ten stations are currently in minor flood stage or near flood stage. No peaks of record have occurred, however some of these flows are the highest since 2012.
No gages have been damaged.
Table of discharge measurements in NW Florida
Map showing locations of discharge measurements in NW Florida