Water Resources of the United States
Date: Mon, 01 May 2017 10:29:59 EDT
Summary: IN-KY WSC continues response to ongoing flooding in Indiana
The Indianapolis office of the Indiana-Kentucky Water Science Center (INKY WSC) is in the second day of flood response after another round of storms moved through the western portion of the state overnight. Forecasts for the Wabash River basin have been reduced to minor category but the lower Patoka basin is still expected to have major category flooding later this week.
The IN-KY WSC has 5 crews (10 people) out making discharge measurements and verifying gages in affected areas of the state. Measurement information will be relayed to the National Weather Service throughout the event.
IN Flood Table 4/28 - 5/1
IN Flood Map 4/28 - 5/1