Water Resources of the United States
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2017 10:18:14 EDT
Summary: Total of 62 gages above flood stage, with many experiencing period of record peak flows, as rain continues throughout the southern portion of Missouri.
Precipitation continuing in the lower two-thirds of Missouri, the majority of the system as migrated east with continuing rainfall in parts of the White River and Lower Mississippi River basins.
Over 20 gages experiencing period of record flood peaks in the Arkansas and White River basins in the southern portion of Missouri. Many urban gages are experiencing period of record peaks as well.
There are currently four (4) gages currently damaged and/or destroyed.
A staff of 14 are continuing to make flood measurements. Potentially recruiting another 2. Many manned boats needed and used as bridge section measurements are inundated (approach span / overflow).
Crews are equipped with High Water Mark materials for post flood work.
Potential for supplemental tailwater measurements with St. Louis and Little Rock District Corps for project reservoirs experiencing spill