Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2016 11:05:54 EDT
Summary: USGS South Atlantic WSC continuous field effort in response to historic flooding from Hurricane Matthew
The USGS South Atlantic WSC continues significant field effort to document the extent and magnitude of the impacts from Hurricane Matthew. Recovery of storm-surge sensors and coastal HWM flagging is nearing completion. Focus is now shifting to the inland river flooding. Catastrophic flooding continues in many areas of North Carolina and South Carolina, and field crews are responding across this area to make historic flood measurements, repair damaged gages, and begin flagging High-Water Marks (HWMs) in support of FEMA response operations. In total, SAWSC has 53 employees currently active with the Hurricane Matthew response.
There are 15 employees from North Carolina offices active for this event today.
Crews in North Carolina continue to make discharge measurements, repair damaged streamgages , verify peaks, collect high water marks and process coastal storm surge data after the passage of Hurricane Matthew to document the event.
Seven (7) people (3 crews) are in the field today in North Carolina making discharge measurements and verifying peaks at USGS streamgages. Additionally there are five (5) 2-person teams-four (4) from GA and one (1) from NC, that are beginning the inland flooding or riverine high water mark data collection effort. We are collaborating with our partners from the National Weather Service and the North Carolina Department of Public Safety in developing a plan for this data collection activity. Six (6) people are in the office planning field activities, providing support to field crews, processing storm tide sensor data, extending ratings, developing plans for subsequent data collection activities and responding to requests from the media, our partners, the public and the Bureau and Department.
There are 19 employees from South Carolina active for this event today.
One (1) 2-person crew is making a peak-of-record measurement on the Waccamaw River near Conway (02110704). Four other 2-person crews are beginning flagging of riverine HWMs along the Lumber and Waccamaw Rivers.
One 2-person crew is continuing surveying of coastal HWMs, along with four (4) 2-person crews from Georgia.
Seven (7) persons are in the office in Columbia providing field coordination and data processing support.
There are 19 employees from Georgia active for this event today.
Four (4) 2-person crews are surveying coastal HWMs in South Carolina. They will join the NC riverine HWM effort once complete.
One (1) 2-person crew is completing the surveying of coastal HWMs in North Carolina and will join the NC riverine HWM effort once complete.
Three (3) 2-person crews are traveling to NC today to begin flagging riverine HWMs.
Three (3) persons are providing logistical coordination for field operations and data processing support.