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Date: Thu, 06 Oct 2016 19:17:46 EDT
Summary: Regional rain event causes moderate flooding in the Milk River basin of northeastern Montana.
The Milk River and tributaries continue to experience minor to moderate flooding resulting from a regional rainfall event. The National Weather Service (NWS) reported 5 to 9 inches of rain over the forecast area beginning Saturday, October 1, of which 2 to 6 inches fell in a 24-hour period Tuesday through Wednesday. These recent rains followed a water year that was the 3rd wettest on record for the region according to the NWS.
Estimated annual exceedance probabilities at USGS streamgages for instantaneous peak-flows to date range from about 0.20 to 0.04. Period of record for the streamgages range from 18 to 72 years. Peak-flows will not reach the downstream streamgages until early next week.
No streamgages have been damaged to date.
Three USGS crews are measuring streamflows to verify ratings and define shifts. Two crews will continue to measure into early next week as flood waters move downstream.
USGS staff are providing measurement and shift information to NWS staff in the Missouri River Basin River Forecast Center and NWS staff in the Glasgow Weather Forecast Office. Center social media accounts are being used to disseminate information.
Montana WaterWatch flood and high-flow map