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Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2016 14:45:24 EDT
Summary: Major flooding continues on Iowa streams
Major flooding is continuing on in northern Iowa, specifically in the Cedar River basin. The flooding is a result of the approximately 12 inches of rain that fell earlier in the week. Some tributaries to the Cedar River have crested and are slowly starting to fall. 19 USGS streamgages in Iowa are currently above the National Weather Service Flood stage.
Three 2-person crews are deployed to northern Iowa to measure streamflow and ensure proper streamgage operation. One streamgage has been moved to a temporary location due to being inundated. The Des Moines Register captured a video of the debris hitting the streamgage and can be found at http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/weather/2016/09/24/iowa-flooding-photo-cedar-falls/91024314/ along with photos of USGS crew members working in the area. Two 2-person crews are expected to be deployed tomorrow as the crest moves downstream on the Cedar River.
Frequent communication is taking place with the National Weather Service and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, primarily with NWSChat.
WaterWatch Flood Table for Iowa
WaterWatch Map for Iowa