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PROJECT ALERT NOTICE (FL) Reponse to Hurricane Hermine by CFWSC

Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2016 08:27:05 EDT

Summary: Hurricane Hermine made landfall in St. Marks, FL approximately 1:30 am Sep. 2.

Hurricane Hermine made landfall in St. Marks, FL approximately 1:30 am Sep. 2. Preliminary storm surge was recorded at USGS stream gage Aucilla River near Mouth, near Nutall Rise, FL (02326550), of approximately 6 feet over the normal high tide.


USGS crews from Tallahassee and Orlando offices deployed 5 storm surge sensors along the coast from Apalachicola to Cedar Key just hours before landfall. Sensors will be recovered next week.

The highest rainfall total for the storm event (3 days) was recorded as over 16 inches at one USGS rain gage in Pinellas county. Rain is continuing to train in from the Gulf.

USGS staff from the Tampa and Ft. Myers offices made over 25 discharge measurements at stream gages on the west-central and southwest coasts of Florida. Six period of record discharge measurements were made. Discharge measurements will continue today to verify upper ends of ratings.

Five stations in the coastal Tampa Bay area were damaged or destroyed by storm surge.

There were no period of record flows at stations with more than 10 years of record.

Map of flood and high flow conditions in Florida

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