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PROJECT ALERT NOTICE (HI) Tropical Storm Darby

Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 17:40:00 EDT

Summary: Moderate stream flow peaks occurred over east Oahu.

Moderate flooding occurred late afternoon and last night from
Tropical Storm Darby. Approximately eight inches of rain fell over
a three-hour time period over much of east Oahu.

The approximate annual exceedance probability was 50-percent or less
for most streams. There are no reported deaths and no significant
property damage.

There were no peaks of record at any of the stream flow monitoring stations.
All gages were fully functional during the storm event.

Five field crews have neen deployed to retrieve water-quality samples from
auto-samplers and make discharge measurements. No indirect
measurements are planned.

The USGS was in contact with the National Weather Service.

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