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Date: Thu, 07 Jul 2016 14:46:42 EDT
Summary: Major category flooding is occurring on the Little River in southwest Kentucky due to heavy rains over the past 24 hours.
Several streamgages along the Little River exceeded major category flood stage over the past 24 hours. Areas of Hopkinsville and Cadiz have been hardest hit with up to 7 inches of rain falling over these cities in the past 24 hours.
Peak of record was reached at two relatively new gages in the Hopkinsville area. All gages are operational in the area and recorded data throughout the event. The USGS IN-KY office has two crews (4 people) out making discharge measurements at key streamgages today.
IN-KY has been in contact with the NWS throughout the day providing measurement information as it is collected.
Little River KY flood table
Little River KY flood map