Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2016 12:33:44 EDT
Summary: Several families living in the community of Cedar Creek, Arizona were evacuated as a result of flooding and the Arizona Department of Transportation closed a 9 mile section of Highway 73 near the community because of flooding down the Cedar Creek wash. The headwaters of Cedar Creek recently burned as a result of a wildfire.
Precipitation events yesterday afternoon in the White Mountain area of Arizona produced flooding in washes and streams near Cedar Creek, Arizona. The Flagstaff office of the National Weather Service is forcasting 30 to 60% chance of thunderstorms in the Show Low and Cedar Creek areas through Sunday (4/3/2016).
Six staff members from the Arizona Water Science center are in the area to install flood-warning streamflow gages in the Cedar Creek watershed as well as precipitation gages in the higher elevations of the Cedar Creek basin. Indirect discharge measurements in several locations including the Cedar Creek wash are also being planned.