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PROJECT ALERT NOTICE (MO) Lower Mississippi River Flooding and Post Flood Assesments

Date: Tue, 05 Jan 2016 09:49:33 EST

Summary: Lower Mississippi River flooding continuing; post-flood high-water mark flagging continuing for indirect measurements and potential flood studies.

Lower Mississippi River flood measurements continuing on the recession. One (1) USGS crew involved with these measurements.

Eight (8) crews, 18 people involved with (9) indirect-based high-water mark flagging and large-scale high-water mark documentation efforts along the Bourbeuse and Meramec Rivers around population centers of Union, Eureka, Valley Park, Peerless Park, Fenton, and Arnold. One (1) of these crews involved with backwater flow measurements to assist in inflow determinations for USACE reservoirs.

Outreach continuing to local EMA such as: SEMA, FEMA, Silver-Jackets, MoDOT, MDNR and others for post-flood targets (e.g. high-water marks or additional data collection QW/SW).

Nine (9) gages have been affected/damaged due to flooding overall, currently only (2) gages are still down due to more problematic issues.

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