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Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2015 11:55:20 EST
Summary: Minor to major flooding continues in the Florida panhandle due to heavy rains over the weekend in Alabama and Georgia.
Minor to major flooding continues in the Escambia, Choctawhatchee, and Apalachicola River basins located in the Florida panhandle. Most stations are receding and are in mild to moderate flood stage. However, Choctawhatchee River near Bruce, FL (02366500) is listed in major flood condition by the NOAA Southeast River Forecast Center (SERFC) and is predicted to peak late Saturday, and Apalachicola River near Sumatra (02359170) is listed in minor flooding by SERFC and is still rising.
This week, four crews (3 staff from Tallahassee and 4 staff from Tampa) measured 8 sites and will make two additional measurements today. No additional measurements are expected to be made after today.
Three gages were damaged and two were repaired; the index velocity sensor at Yellow River nr Milton (02369600) is not repairable at this time and additional measurements will be made to aid in estimating the flow.
No peaks of record were measured.