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Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2015 13:27:49 EDT

Summary: Flash flooding occurred overnight in SW Utah which resulted in the death of 8 motorists with 5 others still missing.

Flash Flooding in SW Utah has occurred as a result of intense thunderstorms with rainfall rates estimated as high as 3" per hour. Particularly hard hit was the town of Hilldale, UT through which Short Creek flows. Short Creek is a tributary to Ft. Pearce Wash ( http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/uv?site_no=09408195) which recorded a peak of 1,380 cfs (which is about a 1 year recurrence interval). The flash flood resulted in 8 deaths with 5 additional motorists still missing in Hilldale.

No streamgages were damaged or destroyed. Two field crews are in the process of making discharge measurements at gages in the area and will attempt to visit Hilldale to flag HWM's.

The USGS will be communicating with the Colorado Basin River Forecast Center on updated ratings and shifts as necessary.

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