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Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2015 12:17:47 EDT
Summary: Significant rainfall in Central Iowa causing streams to rise rapidly.
Over seven inches of rain fell in parts of central Iowa in the last 24 hours on already saturated ground. Local news reports indicate many road closures due to flash flooding (http://www.kcci.com). As a result of the rain, several streams showed rapid rises and six crews have been deployed. Currently, 17 USGS streamgages are above the National Weather Service (NWS) flood stage. Crews will be making streamflow measurements and ensuring that streamgages are functioning properly. Once crew will also be servicing continuous nitrate meters. One streamgage with 43 years of record is above the previously set peak-of-record. Frequent communication is being made with the NWS and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
USGS Iowa Water Science Center flood table
USGS Iowa Water Science Center flood map