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Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2015 13:36:21 EDT
Summary: USGS crews continue response for moderate to major category flooding occurring in northern IN.
Significant flooding continues for a third day in the northern part of the state. Portions of the Kankakee, Iroquois, Tippecanoe, and St. Marys rivers are above major category flood stage with one gage on the Iroquois in Rensselaer currently above the period of record stage. Moisture from Tropical Storm Bill is expected to arrive over the central and southern portion of the state Saturday potentially causing flood conditions for those areas as well.
Several USGS crews were interviewed yesterday by local television and print journalists as they made discharge measurements. Around the state, evacuations and water rescues continued. This included hundreds of residents in the town of Rensselaer who were evacuated yesterday from their homes as the Iroquois surpassed the peak of record stage at that location.
The Indiana-Kentucky WSC Indianapolis office has sent out 4 crews (7 people) to make discharge measurements today. Twenty six discharge measurements have been made over the past 3 days with several more planned. All gages are working properly at this time with the exception of one in the NW portion of the state. The Indianapolis office continues to be in contact with the NWS Ohio River Forecast Center and the NWS North Central River Forecast Center to coordinate discharge measurements at affected forecast points. Coordination with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Homeland Security, and impacted local communities continues as well.
Indiana flood table for past 24 hours.
Indiana flood map for past 24 hours.