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PROJECT ALERT NOTICE (MT WY) Minor flooding Wyoming; SE Montana

Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 14:19:32 EDT

Summary: Minor flooding continues in the Powder and Tongue River basins of northeastern Wyoming and southeastern Montana as well as the North Platte basin of eastern Wyoming.

Rains in central and eastern Wyoming during Memorial Day weekend resulted in flood- and high-flows in the Powder, Tongue, and lower North Platte basins that continue to work their way downstream. Streamflows measured at two streamgages on the Powder River were among the largest made and the largest since the 1978 regional floods. Two crews have been out since Monday making measurements to verify and define station stage-discharge ratings. Additional measurements will be made today downstream on the Powder River and on the North Platte River. No streamgages have been damaged. As obtained, all measurement information is being provided to the NWS MBRFC. Extensive use of social media (Twitter) has generated public interest.

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