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Date: Thu, 21 May 2015 13:34:44 EDT
Summary: A pattern of rainfall over most of the state this last week has many streams and rivers throughout south, central, and east Texas at or above flood stage.
Flooding, resulting in road closures and evacuations, has occurred in many areas of south, central, and east Texas. In particular, the lower Red River and upper Trinity River basins in the north central part of the state near Wichita Falls, Texas, and the Nueces River basin in the south coastal part of the state near Corpus Christi, Texas have been flooded. The entire Trinity River basin is currently at or above flood stage and reservoirs in the basin are 100% full. The lower basins of the Colorado River and the Brazos River, the Sabine, Neches, San Antonio, and Guadalupe Rivers are also at or above flood stage. The National Weather Service predictions of continued rainfall through the weekend and into the following week, with precipitation totals of an additional 3-5 inches create the potential for continued, significant and widespread flooding. More than ten teams from the USGS Texas Water Science Center are currently out measuring stream flow. USGS has been in contact with the National Weather Service personnel to identify any particular sites where additional measurements would be useful and responded to many public inquiries about lake and stream levels.
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