Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 11:33:00 EDT
Summary: Flooding along the White River, Cheyenne River, and James River basins have receded some with only 2 sites remaining above flood stage.
Flooding has or is occurring in SD and is considered minor today. The areas with the most significant flooding are the White River basin with one site remaining above flood stage and a several others with need for indirects. Measurements are continuing on the Cheyenne and White rivers for rating definition. Crews continue to visit continuous discharge as well as CSG sites to document HWMs and current flows. Measurements within the James River basin continue today as well as in the Lower Big Sioux.
The USGS SD Office has dispatched 11 field staff to support high water data collection. In addition, 2 office staff are supporting the flood response. Numerous contacts have been made with local NWS and BOR offices. These contacts were primarily to give streamgage status updates, conditions on the ground, and field verification of stage and discharge. Ten streamflow measurements have been made. The White River at the NE/SD State line has exceeded the previous period of record high. Peaks at 5 streamgages rank in the top 5 for the period of record. Preliminary flood frequency estimates have not been determined as indirects will be required to determine peak discharges.