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Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 12:25:13 EDT
Summary: Localized Flooding in Eastern New York
Localized, flash flooding occurred in eastern New York during June 25-26 as a result of isolated 3-6 inches of rainfall in a few hours. A USGS streamgage in the Catskill Mtns, Bear Kill near Prattsville, NY, a 26 square-mile tributary to Schoharie Creek with 15 years of record, established a provisional peak of record (2,800 cfs). The approximate AEP is 0.1 (10-yr flood). The previous peak was 2,620 cfs set during August 2011 (Hurricane Irene).
One USGS crew (2 staff members) from the Troy, NY Data Section of the New York Water Science Center is onsite today to document conditions and verify and update the stage-discharge relationship.