Water Resources of the United States
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2013 14:17:36 EST
Summary: Steady rainfall over the past 24 hours causing minor flooding across the southeast half of Indiana.
Steady rainfall is falling over a large portion of Indiana with 1-2 inches already on the ground in some areas and another 2+ inches forecast over the next 24 hours. Minor flooding is already being observed within smaller watersheds and forecasts predict the potential for moderate or even major flood conditions throughout southeastern and eastern Indiana. Current forecasts show the bulk of the rainfall is expected over the East Fork White basin but has the potential to shift up as high as the lower Maumee.
There are currently 6 streamgages at minor flood stage in eastern Indiana with more expected to reach that level later today. Numerous other gages in small watersheds throughout the southern part of the state are at or near peak stage already.
The USGS IN office has one crew in the field today making discharge measurements in small flashy streams. Another 3 crews are on standby and expected to go out tomorrow when several peaks are forecast to occur throughout the southeast half of the state. All gages throughout the state are working properly and transmitting data to the public at this time. USGS personnel will be in contact with the National Weather Service and local cooperators throughout the weekend providing information on measurements collected and gage status.
IN streamgages at or above NWS flood stage
IN streamgages at or above NWS flood stage