Water Resources of the United States

PROJECT ALERT NOTICE (NE) Nebraska Drought Update

Date: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 15:28:35 EDT

Summary: Drought conditions in Nebraska have worsened slightly over the past month.

Event Information:
According to the latest Drought Information Statement from the Valley Field Office of the National Weather Service (NWS), "dry weather in July has allowed drought to creep back into eastern Nebraska and western Iowa. Cool temperatures have slowed deterioration across the area, with limited impacts noted so far."

Event Information:
Hydrologic Conditions:
The U.S. Drought Monitor shows that drought conditions in Nebraska have worsened slightly in the eastern one-third of the state. Most (96.6 percent) of the state is still categorized in the range of Abnormally Dry to having Exceptional drought (up from 92 percent last month). Portions of the state experiencing Exceptional drought, the most extreme of the drought categories, dropped from 3.6 percent last month to 0.8 percent this month. Similarly, parts of state experiencing Extreme and Severe drought dropped a few percent to respective 31.4 percent and 65.8 percent. This was due to statewide rainfalls of an inch to 10 inches during the past month, but most significantly 3-10 inches of rainfall in the western and central portions of the state (notably in the Republican, Blue, and Loup River Basins).

Records or Milestones:
Of 60 long-term USGS streamgages (>30 years record) in Nebraska, five (or eight percent, up from five percent last month) are at no flow. The 7-day average streamflow for 10 of the long-term streamgages (17 percent, down from the reported 23 percent from the Drought Report of July 1) are classified as being "Below Normal" to "Extreme Hydrologic Drought." According the NWS, it was Omaha's second driest July on record.

The USGS Groundwater Watch shows that 36 percent (no significant change since the previous report) of ranked wells in the Nebraska Continuous Groundwater-Level Network are less than the 24th percentile (Below Normal or Much Below Normal). The most affected zones are the North Platte River Basin, the Upper Big Blue River Basin, and the Republican River Basin.

Additional Efforts Required due to the Drought:
At request of the City of Lincoln, the USGS made two additional trips to verify water-level declines at the city's well field. Additional low-flow discharge measurements were needed at five locations on the Platte River and one on the Elkhorn River during the past month. No low-end rating extensions were required in the past month.

Special Projects:
None in the past month.

Communications and Outreach:
Nebraska WSC staff have answered numerous media requests for drought information to date (none in the past month).

A WWW page is available http://ne.water.usgs.gov/drought/
No news release is planned.
Storm Surge: no

A WWW page is available, the URL is: http://ne.water.usgs.gov/drought
No news release is planned.
Storm Surge: no

Submitted by: Rachael Hoagland (hoagland@usgs.gov) 402.328.4190

Sub-Region: Midwest; Region: Central United States

A WWW page is available, the URL is: http://ne.water.usgs.gov/drought/
No news release is planned.
Storm Surge: no

Submitted by: Rachael Hoagland (hoagland@usgs.gov) 402.328.4190

Sub-Region: Midwest; Region: Central United States

Sub-Region: Midwest; Region: Central United States

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URL: https://water.usgs.gov/alerts/2013/item_2013-08-09_15:28:35.html
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Page Last Modified: Friday, 01-Sep-2023 12:58:14 EDT