Water Resources of the United States
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 14:41:38 EDT
Summary: Minor flooding in Eastern half of Kansas after 2 days of widespread rain
A rain event that covered most of eastern Kansas over the last 2 days has caused several streams to rise.
Flooding is widespread, but relatively minor, with approximate annual exceedance probabilities in the range of 99% or higher. Most, but not all of the basins in eastern Kansas are affected. Some basins received very little precipitation.
As of noon on July 30, about 18 gages in the state of Kansas were above flood stage, but all were only at the "minor" level of flood stage.
No gages have been damaged.
Seven crews are out making routine high-flow discharge measurements. No indirect measurements will be required.
The response is being coordinated with the National Weather Service and Army Corps of Engineers.
Sub-Region: Midwest; Region: Central United States