Water Resources of the United States

PROJECT ALERT NOTICE (IA) USGS Crews Continue to respond to flooding throughout Iowa.

Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 09:52:07 EDT

Summary: USGS crews from the Iowa Water Science Center continue to respond to flooding in throughout Iowa – June 25, 2013

11 Iowa USGS streamgages are currently above the National Weather Service (NWS) flood stage (http://waterwatch.usgs.gov/index.php?id=flood&sid=w__table&r=ia). Rain continued to fall over much Iowa yesterday and is forecasted for today. Many areas received more than two inches of rain in the last 24 hours with some isolated spots receiving 6-8 inches (http://www.srh.noaa.gov/ridge2/RFC_Precip/index.php?site=dvn). Particularly hard hit was the Beaver Creek watershed (http://waterdata.usgs.gov/ia/nwis/uv?site_no=05463000) as it is forecasted to be near the peak of its 67 years of record. Mandatory evacuations were issued for the town of New Hartford on Beaver Creek (http://www.kwwl.com/story/22678795/2013/06/25/mandatory-evacuation-in-new-hartford-tuesday).

Three crews consisting of two people each have been deployed today to make streamflow measurements and ensure streamgages are functioning properly in the Beaver Creek, Nishnabotna, and Rock River basins. Communication will be made with the NWS and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding flood information.

IA Real-Time Flood Table
Iowa Real-Time Flood Map

Sub-Region: Midwest; Region: Central United States

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URL: https://water.usgs.gov/alerts/2013/item_2013-06-25_09:52:07.html
Page Contact Information: Water Webserver Team
Page Last Modified: Friday, 01-Sep-2023 12:58:14 EDT